Benefits of Juicing

So many people are now reaping the rewards of adding a daily vegetable juice to their diet. But what is it all about??

Juicing is a great way to feed every cell in your body with an abundance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Many struggle to eat a lot of veg, but here is an efficient way to take in a large amount of the beneficial nutrients. Aside from this, our bodies can absorb these nutrients much easier when in juice form. When a vegetable is juiced, the insoluble fibre is removed, which can bind up lots of enzymes and vitamins. By removing this pulp, the nutrients are free to be absorbed straight away and provide goodness to your body without complication!

Of course, fibre is a very important component of our diet. But in this instance, we benefit from its removal (plus soluble fibre is still present!). Just make sure you are juicing as part of a balanced diet! It is important to minimise the amount of fruit in your juice in order to keep sugar levels balanced. Try and stick to mainly vegetables! 

When purchasing a juicer, pick a masticating juicer over a centrifugal one. Centrifugal juicers use spinning blades to remove the pulp, and the heat created can damage many live enzymes in your juice! To preserve the quality, choose a masticating juicer which squeezes the juice out, and also is more efficient as you generally will yield more juice too! 

Please consult with a healthcare professional if you have any medical conditions before making major changes to your diet!
I have listed some of my favourite ingredients to juice with, and some of their fantastic properties below!


A combination of greens which alkalise the body while hydrating and nourishing.

Kale: extremely alkalising. Provides calcium, iron, vitamin A, C and K

Celery: very hydrating, full of electrolytes

Cucumber: great to help balance blood pressure, and lower cholesterol

Apples: full of antioxidants, anti-cancer properties. Apple is something that can be added to counteract the strong taste from the greens!



Contains many antioxidants and is a great detoxer. Also supports immune system, and is anti inflammatory


Carrots are yet another great source of antioxidants. Provide plenty of vitamin A and vitamin C. Will boost immunity. Helps to clear mucous ( carrot juice is great to battle a cold!)


I add these to every juice I make to really boost the benefits and also to battle strong tastes from greens

Lemon: seems to be good for everything! Antioxidants, anti cancer properties, full of vitamin C, anti inflammatory, alkalising, cleansing, great for digestion and metabolism

Ginger: another great anti inflammatory, calms tummy, boosts immune system
What are your favourite juicing ingredients??

4 thoughts on “Benefits of Juicing

  1. Pingback: Review: Raw Living Juicer | eat-well-feel-wow

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