Simple Salads

Today’s post is a few simple ideas for quick salads to make and keep in the fridge. Sometimes we just need some inspiration to make a change!!

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Journey to Veganism…Week 2

Hey all!

So if you have been reading, you will know that I am attempting to move from Vegetarian to Vegan. I had a good week last week, and this week was even better!


Coconut kefir smoothie bowl

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Beetroot and Sweet Potato Burgers

These make a great dish, served with a heap of vegetables and salad! I am always looking for meals that are nourishing but still feel like a treat and these definitely tick the box!


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Beetroot Coconut Brownies with Strawberries

Wow, these brownies are so tasty and healthy!

Free from refined sugar, dairy and gluten, they make use of beetroot and coconut flour-providing fibre, folic acid, manganese, and potassium.


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Beetroot Cacao Smoothie

I love to use beetroot in smoothies and juices. Not only does the natural colour really make for a treat, but the antioxidants and liver cleansing properties make beetroot an excellent addition to the diet. Consuming beetroot raw is ideal as it allows for quick and easy preparation, and also means that nutrients are not lost during cooking.

Beetroot is particularly high in folate and manganese, and contain special phytonutrients that are not common in other vegetables. These provide antioxidant, anti inflammatory, and detoxing effects.

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Benefits of Juicing

So many people are now reaping the rewards of adding a daily vegetable juice to their diet. But what is it all about??

Juicing is a great way to feed every cell in your body with an abundance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Many struggle to eat a lot of veg, but here is an efficient way to take in a large amount of the beneficial nutrients. Aside from this, our bodies can absorb these nutrients much easier when in juice form. When a vegetable is juiced, the insoluble fibre is removed, which can bind up lots of enzymes and vitamins. By removing this pulp, the nutrients are free to be absorbed straight away and provide goodness to your body without complication! Continue reading

Gotta get my Juice on!

One thing that has really stuck with me in the last few years is juicing. 

I was first introduced by my nutritionist, but really got hooked when I bought my own juicer ( using mom’s old, small and complicated one was not working out!! 😂) and tried out a cleanse by ‘Juicemaster’ Jason Vale

I love starting the morning with a green juice to keep the body alkalised! My favourite ingredients being kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, ginger and lemon. I also might add Apple or pear to help with the taste!! But I really find that your taste buds adjust, just keep at it 👍 Continue reading