Tips for Chronic Pain

Hi Guys,

I thought I would write a bit today about some things that I have included in my lifestyle to help manage and reduce chronic pain.


I have made huge changes in my diet which have really helped me to better control inflammation and pain in body.  I am still on that journey and still experience pain from certain conditions but it is improving all the time! Outside of my diet, I also have other methods to help.
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Beetroot Cacao Smoothie

I love to use beetroot in smoothies and juices. Not only does the natural colour really make for a treat, but the antioxidants and liver cleansing properties make beetroot an excellent addition to the diet. Consuming beetroot raw is ideal as it allows for quick and easy preparation, and also means that nutrients are not lost during cooking.

Beetroot is particularly high in folate and manganese, and contain special phytonutrients that are not common in other vegetables. These provide antioxidant, anti inflammatory, and detoxing effects.

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