Tips for Chronic Pain

Hi Guys,

I thought I would write a bit today about some things that I have included in my lifestyle to help manage and reduce chronic pain.


I have made huge changes in my diet which have really helped me to better control inflammation and pain in body.  I am still on that journey and still experience pain from certain conditions but it is improving all the time! Outside of my diet, I also have other methods to help.

Over the past few years, I have tried many things to help manage pain. Some have stuck with me, and others I have dropped, but here is a list of what I have found helpful!

Before I begin, remember that these are not in any way substitutes for any medication or therapies you may have been advised to try by your healthcare professional! These are just some things that I found helped, alongside medical advice.


Acupuncture is a traditional therapy of Chinese Medicine which involves inserting tiny needles into particular points on the body. Your therapist will speak to you about your health issues, and decide on which points on your body need to be involved. It helps to move energy through the body which can help to reduce pain and inflammation. This is my favourite therapy for helping with pain. I find such relief from even one session. I began sessions to help with hormonal problems in my body, but found that it benefited me in many ways including back pain, digestion, and mental health.

2.Shiatsu Massage

A similar therapy to acupuncture, this is a massage based therapy which also involves pressing particular points on the body. It has some extra enjoyment as massage is generally thought of as a relaxing therapy, however, keep in mind that pressure on some points may make you jump! I found this therapy effective and it really helped to improve pain in my joints.


I started swimming to help joint pain. I felt it was a good exercise choice as it does not put pressure on joints, and is a mixture of light cardio and uses many muscles in the body! While I am not currently swimming on a regular basis, it is something I really miss and hope to get back to soon. I found it hard at the beginning and decided to take lessons to boost my confidence, after that it’s practice practice practice!


4.Drinking More Water

This is something that I have to try really hard at, for some reason I can’t seem to keep it in my head! But I am doing much better at sipping water throughout the day. I find that my entire system feels much better, and mentally I am more productive and energised. Drinking water is one of those things that we are all told to do for a variety reasons, so it’s probably time to just make the effort! Once you see the benefits it’s hard to go back!



I recently began Pilates classes, and have found it really helpful for back pain and flexibility. As with all exercise, you will also feel the mental benefits! Pilates focuses a lot on breathing and stretching which helps the body to relax and unwind.


In addition to Pilates, I am trying to stretch every morning and my usual routine lasts 20-30 minutes. It is a super way to wake up and helps to fuel a positive day! Relaxing muscles helps with back pain and inflammation, hopefully reducing pain!

7.Reduce Stress

Stress can be a big problem both mentally and physically! Reducing stress is a great way to help in turn reduce physical pain. All of the above methods are good for stress and mental health. Other ways are to include hobbies in your life that you enjoy like reading, art, meditation, music etc. I also find that taking time out is important, don’t feel bad for spending the day on the couch if that’s what you need! A balance between work and life is important, and is something that I am trying to achieve at the moment!!



Sleep is another important factor for keeping mental and physical health in check. I make sure that I get 7.5-8 hours sleep every night. I can nearly guarantee that I will have joint pain the following day if I don’t get a good sleep . Try your best to be kind to your body, allow it the time to rest and reboot, especially if you are in a process of healing or trying to overcome/deal with a chronic condition. This means extra work for your body! So logically, give your body what it needs-more nutrients, more sleep, more water, more relaxation!

I hope some of these tips are helpful to you, of course everybody is different and things that work for me may not be so helpful to another person. The best thing to do for managing your pain is to stay positive, and to keep trying! Eventually you will figure out a way to keep things under control, and there is no harm in trying out some different methods on your journey!



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