Avocado-Cacao Cookies

It may sound a strange combination, but these cookies are pretty tasty as well as being free from all that stuff we try to avoid/limit our intake of (dairy, gluten, refined sugar..). They were my first attempt at baking without eggs, and I’m so happy with how they turned out!


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Blackbean Soup

This is a recipe for black bean soup which is a fun dish to try for a Mexican themed evening, or just for something a bit different! I love cooking a big batch of black beans and then using them for burritos, burgers, brownies, stews, and now, soup! The great thing about this soup is that it also works well as a sauce if you leave it thick. The flavours work so well with avocado, lemon juice, pineapple…so I tried it to top a bean burger, and it was delicious!

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All Natural: Shower Essentials

After my recent switch to all-natural cosmetics, I wanted to share with you guys some of the products I am enjoying at the moment. This post is about my three basic shower essentials- shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel.


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Roasted Carrot Hummus

I have only recently started to make my own hummus, and now that I have, I am wondering what took me so long!!

It is so quick and easy, and ends up being MUCH cheaper than buying store-bought. Obviously, you have the added advantage of knowing exactly what you are eating, and cutting out preservatives and additives often found in processed foods!


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Tips for Chronic Pain

Hi Guys,

I thought I would write a bit today about some things that I have included in my lifestyle to help manage and reduce chronic pain.


I have made huge changes in my diet which have really helped me to better control inflammation and pain in body.  I am still on that journey and still experience pain from certain conditions but it is improving all the time! Outside of my diet, I also have other methods to help.
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Journey to Veganism…Week 3

Reflecting on this week makes me realise that I am settled into my lifestyle changes, and I am feeling very content!

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Simple Salads

Today’s post is a few simple ideas for quick salads to make and keep in the fridge. Sometimes we just need some inspiration to make a change!!

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Journey to Veganism…Week 2

Hey all!

So if you have been reading, you will know that I am attempting to move from Vegetarian to Vegan. I had a good week last week, and this week was even better!


Coconut kefir smoothie bowl

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Review: Raw Living Juicer

Hi guys, so this is my first review, which I am hoping to make a more regular thing!! I decided to write about my thoughts on my new Raw Living juicer which I got for Christmas from my lovely fiance.

I made the switch from a centrifugal to a masticating juicer, and it really has made a difference! I’ve been meaning to make this change for a long time, but it can be difficult to splash out the money for a new and more expensive juicer! But I have listed some reasons below to explain why it is definitely worth it!!


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My Kefir Journey

I attended a workshop all about Kefir with nutritionist Niamh Burke in Galway a couple of weeks ago. Kefir is a fermented drink, made with milk (you can use cows, goats and even coconut milk!) It is full of beneficial bacteria, and can give a major boost to your digestive system and your immune system.


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