Blackbean Soup

This is a recipe for black bean soup which is a fun dish to try for a Mexican themed evening, or just for something a bit different! I love cooking a big batch of black beans and then using them for burritos, burgers, brownies, stews, and now, soup! The great thing about this soup is that it also works well as a sauce if you leave it thick. The flavours work so well with avocado, lemon juice, pineapple…so I tried it to top a bean burger, and it was delicious!

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Lentil Stew topped with Turmeric and Paprika Sweet Potato Mash

Looking for a warming Winter meal? This recipe is perfect for cold evenings by the fire, it is satisfying, full of flavour, and even the colours will help you feel more cosy in front of  the fire!


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Red Lentil Soup

Lunch today was a red lentil soup which was inspired by recipe on A Cedar Spoon (which I found on Pinterest…where else!) As usual I didn’t have ALL the right ingredients so I made some slight adjustments here and there.


This soup is creamy and so warming, perfect for a cold day or just some comfort food! It also has a great flavour and colour.

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