Journey to Veganism…Week 2

Hey all!

So if you have been reading, you will know that I am attempting to move from Vegetarian to Vegan. I had a good week last week, and this week was even better!


Coconut kefir smoothie bowl

In terms of my beauty regime, I invested in a natural, vegan toothpaste, and I also ordered a Lush cleanser which is all natural, vegan, and contains seaweed- I am really excited for this to arrive! My skincare and shower routine is now totally natural and vegan. Next up is make up, soap, and cleaning products!!

I had a bit of trouble with diet at the start of the week as I wasn’t as prepared as usual. We all know this is the key to sticking with any kind of healthy routine! It turns out that you can eat unhealthily as a Vegan too…I ate a few too many chips!! But not to worry, by Tuesday evening I was back to normal. And on Wednesday I made the most amazing beetroot burgers! (Recipe here).


Another big change I made this week was changing my Kefir from cow’s milk to coconut milk. I am really hoping I can continue with the benefits of Kefir without using cow’s milk. It takes Kefir a couple of batches to adjust to new surroundings, so am still waiting to see how this works! (To read more about Kefir, click here).


All in all, I had a pretty good week and am feeling like my skin is improving, and my energy levels are definitely up! I am delighted to be doing well and feeling good 🙂


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