Blackbean Soup

This is a recipe for black bean soup which is a fun dish to try for a Mexican themed evening, or just for something a bit different! I love cooking a big batch of black beans and then using them for burritos, burgers, brownies, stews, and now, soup! The great thing about this soup is that it also works well as a sauce if you leave it thick. The flavours work so well with avocado, lemon juice, pineapple…so I tried it to top a bean burger, and it was delicious!

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Banana Breakfast Bites

Hi guys,

This is a recipe for coconut and banana cupcakes that are perfect to scoff at breakfast time! I enjoy them with a smoothie, or they are also great to take with you for eating-on-the-go. These mini muffins are high in fibre, low GL and high in omega 3 fats! They are so versatile too so you can add in some extra nuts, seeds, dried fruits, chocolate chips…! Be creative!


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Red Lentil Soup

Lunch today was a red lentil soup which was inspired by recipe on A Cedar Spoon (which I found on Pinterest…where else!) As usual I didn’t have ALL the right ingredients so I made some slight adjustments here and there.


This soup is creamy and so warming, perfect for a cold day or just some comfort food! It also has a great flavour and colour.

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