Blackbean Soup

This is a recipe for black bean soup which is a fun dish to try for a Mexican themed evening, or just for something a bit different! I love cooking a big batch of black beans and then using them for burritos, burgers, brownies, stews, and now, soup! The great thing about this soup is that it also works well as a sauce if you leave it thick. The flavours work so well with avocado, lemon juice, pineapple…so I tried it to top a bean burger, and it was delicious!

Black beans are nutritionally dense. As part of the legume family, they are a good source of plant protein and fibre. They are also a good source of folate, copper and manganese. They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and like all legumes are helpful for blood sugar balance, the digestive system, and can help to lower cholesterol. All sounds good to me!

Try out this soup on a cold evening, when you need a warm and wholesome meal. Serve with avocado on rye, or a serving of roast broccoli and green beans.


3 cups black beans (cooked)

4 cloves garlic, minced

1 onion, chopped

3 tomatoes, chopped

1 tin tomatoes

3 cups organic low sodium stock, or water

1 tbsp cumin



Saute the onion and garlic on medium heat in a tablespoon of coconut oil

After five minutes, add the tomatoes and cumin, and stir for a few minutes.

Next add the beans, and tin of tomatoes, and stir.

Add the stock/water and allow to simmer for at least twenty minutes to allow flavours to come to life!

Blend with a hand blender. At this point, you can decide on the thickness and add more water if you prefer.

To serve, top with coriander or avocado!


I hope you enjoy ..X

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