Avocado-Cacao Cookies

It may sound a strange combination, but these cookies are pretty tasty as well as being free from all that stuff we try to avoid/limit our intake of (dairy, gluten, refined sugar..). They were my first attempt at baking without eggs, and I’m so happy with how they turned out!


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Journey to Veganism…Week 1

Hi all!

I am writing today about one of my major goals for 2016- to become 100% Vegan. I am currently vegetarian and go through phases of cutting out dairy products. My aim is to completely cut out dairy and eggs, as well as changing my cosmetics to natural and vegan products. Here is how I got on in my first week!!


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Beetroot Cacao Smoothie

I love to use beetroot in smoothies and juices. Not only does the natural colour really make for a treat, but the antioxidants and liver cleansing properties make beetroot an excellent addition to the diet. Consuming beetroot raw is ideal as it allows for quick and easy preparation, and also means that nutrients are not lost during cooking.

Beetroot is particularly high in folate and manganese, and contain special phytonutrients that are not common in other vegetables. These provide antioxidant, anti inflammatory, and detoxing effects.

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Banana Breakfast Bites

Hi guys,

This is a recipe for coconut and banana cupcakes that are perfect to scoff at breakfast time! I enjoy them with a smoothie, or they are also great to take with you for eating-on-the-go. These mini muffins are high in fibre, low GL and high in omega 3 fats! They are so versatile too so you can add in some extra nuts, seeds, dried fruits, chocolate chips…! Be creative!


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Energy Balls

These energy balls are an adaption of a recipe from The Extra Virgin Kitchen Cookbook (my favourite source of inspiration at the moment!!). They are perfect to make in advance as they keep in the fridge for over two weeks, they can also be frozen. This recipe makes 30+ energy balls, so can keep you in afternoon snacks for at least two weeks!!

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